3. Performance Appraisal / Evaluation

This subsystem provides the facility to record performance appraisals on personnel. Different
appraisal questionnaires may be set and Parameter Sets may be linked to the Posts of the Personnel
Evaluated. The appraiser can enter the response to the questions in the appraisal questionnaire in
the back-office system.

An on-line evaluation subsystem that facilitates a three hundred and sixty degree performance
evaluation of personnel is available. Different Evaluation Forms, to be used for different categories
of personnel members, may be set-up by the Administrator of the Personnel System. The set-up
includes the questions (prompts) in the forms, as well as the possible answers and related weights
and points used to produce a final score for each individual.

The typical process followed with the on-line performance evaluation is:

  • The personnel members performs a self-evaluation and completes the evaluation questionnaire
  • The supervisor opens the personnel members questionnaire and prepares for an
    performance appraisal interview
  • The interview between the supervisor and the personnel member takes place
  • The supervisor enters the final points for each question and submits the evaluation
  • The system will keep record of both the personnel member and the supervisor’s responses
    and the results stay visible (although not updateable) for both the personnel member and
    the supervisor.

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